
Players in Recon Leagues will embark on missions that will entail real-world travel. For example, a challenge may ask the user to walk one kilometre from their present location. While wandering outdoors, they may use augmented reality to scan their surroundings for stray resources. If they finish their objective, they may be rewarded with extra resources, experience points, or other off-chain resources. As players level up, they will unlock new missions with bigger rewards, such as group missions and NFT-sponsored or RES-sponsored tasks.

Such missions may be as follows:

  • Travel 20 kilometres without double-backing

  • Travel to the local stadium and collect as many resources as possible in a given window of time

  • Meet a group of at least 5 Recon Leagues players at the local Starbucks and solve an augmented reality puzzle by working together

  • Collect a resource at location A and bring it to location B

  • Find a particular company's truck and submit a picture of it.

  • Spend 2 hours at a specific location with at least 3 Recon Leagues users.

  • Run 10k with another Recon Leagues user but don't separate by more than 50 meters.

  • A Dino has summoned a huge meteor which has landed in the local park! Once it's tapped 10,000 times in augmented reality, it will be mined completely. Hurry before others mine it first.

Last updated